Sunday, September 21, 2008

Does Crust create Cat Ladies?

Three days.... The baby has been home three days.  Good God in Heaven.  Olivia is the cutest and most exhausting person I have met.  What is funny is how big she makes Isaac look.  He isn't even two yet and he looks like a giant.  He also is way more trouble than I realized.  I don't remember what it was like when all he did was eat, poop, and sleep, but I imagine it must have been nice.  

There is so much work to do and I have no idea how to do any of it.  I now have time to do it, but I'm so tired that reading about the Bible or Theology or Psychology or any of the other things I have to read just seems exhausting as well.  I am only writing here to keep myself awake until the beginnings of this second pot of coffee kicks in.  

One thing I've been contemplating lately is crust.  Yes, crust.  What do I mean by crus?  I mean the crust on bread, the crust on pop-tarts, the crust on any food of any sort.  I'll admit it: I'm a little chubby. Ok, maybe a lot chubby (Give me a break!  It's sympathy weight from the pregnancy!).  Needless to say, I cannot remember being a picky eater and I'm certainly not one now.  But the oldest kid...  First of all, what is wrong with crust?  It doesn't taste any different.  And I don't buy the texture argument either!  There isn't enough of it on the bread to have texture.  And Pop-tart Crust?  What the Hell?  She leaves half the Pop-tart to be disregarded!

If the bread is a little burnt: no deal
If there is a speckle of crust left on the sandwich:  no deal
If it looks like it may have crust on it: no deal
God forbid one of the last pieces of bread is the heal:  Hell will freeze and warm over again before a single bite will be taken

IT'S CRUST!  IT HAS NO CHARACTERISTICS!  Granted, I can understand the Pop-tart crust.  MAYBE.  But bread crust?  I know she isn't a freak... at least not because of this.  I know other kids don't like crust either.  But, I still just don't understand the phenomena.  I wonder at 8 if it is something she'll outgrow.  I just get this image of her on a date in her 20s, nay 40s, and her demanding that the waiter take the order back and cut the crust off....

At least she likes cats....

Thursday, September 18, 2008


So, as the picture may suggest Olivia Rose is here.  She came rather quickly at 10:56 Tuesday night which made for a rather long day in hospitals for me.  I started doing my clinical pastoral education at 8 am that day and so basically spent the entire day in the hospital.  I'm still tired.  Things are only going to get more tiring from here on out.  However, its worth it.  Its always worth it.  Baby and Mommy are at home and resting well (I think).  Well, anyways.... I'm going to have a lot more to write about from here on out... BUT... less time to do it in.  Good thing I struggle with insomnia.  Perhaps this blog will fulfill its mission and help me to sleep better.  

Ok... Off to hang out with BABY!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Grape Juice Spilt for You

Still... waiting.... for.... baby.... 

Man, I hate this part.  The doctor said any day now and I was hoping she meant, like, tomorrow.  I've even plowed through the school work and taken the requisite weeks off.  Now, I'm just sitting and waiting.  It's rough!

My poor wife, though.  She came down with an ear infection and I've selfishly been doing work.  My hope is to spend the rest of the day at this point caring for her and wrangling kids.  Went to 
church and said my prayers.  I've been praying more these days.  I suppose it is helping.

I found this picture of Isaac today.  Hard, so very hard to imagine that is what he looked like a little over a year and a half ago.  This is the same kid that decided to become sacramental and spill the brand new bottle of grape juice all over the 
floor in his own peculiar and messy version of the Lords Supper. I kept looking at this pond of sweetness that now formed under the frige thinking that perhaps God is trying to tell me something here.  I didn't know what but I had that unmistakable feeling of being told something.  Who knows....  Maybe it was simply, "Here is my grape juice spilled for you.  Every time you see a fruit fly in the kitchen remember its my fault!"

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Oh, its been a few days so I figured I should write something.  Fitting, considering how hectic and crazy things are about to get.  For one, the baby is due, oh, tomorrow?  Next week?  Who knows... Hold your breath.  To be announced.  For the other, besides the fact that classes are about to start up, I am doing my Clinical Pastoral Education(CPE).  What, pray tell, is CPE?  Oh, its a seminary/ordination requirement for those of us in the Presbyterian Church.  They don't think that they attempt to burn us out enough that they make us do this on top of everything.

I don't mind, though.  To be honest, I'm a little excited.  I'm interning at the psych-wards around Richmond.  Yep.  I'm dealing with the crazies.  I figured the people I live with are insane and I may as well take my expertise into the field.  So, stay tuned.  I'm sure I'm going to have good stories to come...  

Oh, and Marcy, if you are reading this thank you again for today!  Communion was lovely and I know everyone at the church appreciated it.  We talked about your sermon over lunch which is always a good sign.  Everyone liked it.  

I want to write more, but I'm struggling to find things to say right now because I want to read my book....  I'll write tomorrow and tell you how the first day of school went and how my TB test went.  I can't even remember where they pricked me, so I guess I'm fine...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Some Scary Thoughts

I'm going to try and breath.  I need to make my way through this...  I really can't believe some of the things that I've heard tonight and the fact that people are lifting it up.  My question is when did attacking social workers and community organizers become acceptable politics?  Why attack people who work hard to improve their community?  Is this the leadership that the country needs?  Have we come that far to support the elite in so blatant terms?  How is this acceptable?

I'm about to have a daughter.  It's going to happen any day now.  Though, I am proud of the progress in the political arena that this country is making, I'm scared at what kind of example my daughter will be given and the state of this county...  Being a father changes everything.  It changes everything.  And people who want to spread messages of hate scare me perhaps only less than SIDS.  You know, Jesus stood looking down on Jerusalem and he wept...  I understand that a little more tonight.  I understand...