Sunday, September 7, 2008


Oh, its been a few days so I figured I should write something.  Fitting, considering how hectic and crazy things are about to get.  For one, the baby is due, oh, tomorrow?  Next week?  Who knows... Hold your breath.  To be announced.  For the other, besides the fact that classes are about to start up, I am doing my Clinical Pastoral Education(CPE).  What, pray tell, is CPE?  Oh, its a seminary/ordination requirement for those of us in the Presbyterian Church.  They don't think that they attempt to burn us out enough that they make us do this on top of everything.

I don't mind, though.  To be honest, I'm a little excited.  I'm interning at the psych-wards around Richmond.  Yep.  I'm dealing with the crazies.  I figured the people I live with are insane and I may as well take my expertise into the field.  So, stay tuned.  I'm sure I'm going to have good stories to come...  

Oh, and Marcy, if you are reading this thank you again for today!  Communion was lovely and I know everyone at the church appreciated it.  We talked about your sermon over lunch which is always a good sign.  Everyone liked it.  

I want to write more, but I'm struggling to find things to say right now because I want to read my book....  I'll write tomorrow and tell you how the first day of school went and how my TB test went.  I can't even remember where they pricked me, so I guess I'm fine...

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